A man who has fathered up to 550 children all over the world is still donating sperm.
Jonathan Jacob Meijer was recently sued over incest fears and as well as carrying on with donations, he wants his ‘own’ family.
The 42-year-old started all this in 2007 with multiple methods, such as joining Facebook groups for those struggling to have kids.
He also registered at not one, but 11 clinics as a sperm donor as well as at the Cyros sperm bank.
But Meijer was lying to all of them as he told each clinic he’d exclusively donate there and told each prospective, hopeful, mother he ‘only’ had about 10 children.

This was quite the downplay seeing as he has children across the globe with about 375 in the Netherlands alone. He also has around 80 in Germany, 35 in Belgium, four in Argentina and two in Australia.
Meijer told German media he wants this huge number of kids because he wants to do ‘something meaningful’ with his life.
But just a few months ago, the serial sperm donator was ordered to stop donating or he would face a whopper of a fine.
The Dutch mother of one of his children sued him in April with the argument that he could be causing an increased risk of incest.
Eva, who had a child by Meijer in 2018, said: “If I had known he had already fathered more than 100 children I would never have chosen him.
“If I think about the consequences this could have for my child I am sick to my stomach. Many mothers have told him he needs to stop, but nothing helps. So going to court is the only option I have to protect my child.”
And these mothers do speak to each other, as some of them actually bump into each other by chance because there’s literally that many of them now.
There’s even online groups for them to connect, with 157 joining Facebook group ‘Donorkind 102 JJM’.
The civil court ruled that if he carries on donating, he’ll get fined €100,000 (£85,400).

Eva was supported by organisation Sonorkind, whose lawyer Mark de Hek said: “This behaviour is dangerous for the mental wellbeing and health of donor children. By preferring his reproductive urge, the donor is acting unlawfully.”
While the man whose donor profile says he resembles actors Brad Pitt and Chris Hemsworth claims to donate his sperm for free, the Cryos sperm bank sold the father-to-many’s donations for about £1,100 each.
“I don’t ask for anything, but sometimes I receive £64, a plane ticket, or a camera as a gift,” he told the media.
But despite the order to pack it in, Meijer is still at it, though he claims he’s only donating to women who already have a child from him – which is allowed.
And while he’s flying off to see some of his different kids over the next week, he does admit he also wants to actually have some that are truly his own: “I want to start a family, dream of having five children.”
A man who has fathered up to 550 children all over the world is still donating sperm.
Jonathan Jacob Meijer was recently sued over incest fears and as well as carrying on with donations, he wants his ‘own’ family.
The 42-year-old started all this in 2007 with multiple methods, such as joining Facebook groups for those struggling to have kids.
He also registered at not one, but 11 clinics as a sperm donor as well as at the Cyros sperm bank.
But Meijer was lying to all of them as he told each clinic he’d exclusively donate there and told each prospective, hopeful, mother he ‘only’ had about 10 children.

This was quite the downplay seeing as he has children across the globe with about 375 in the Netherlands alone. He also has around 80 in Germany, 35 in Belgium, four in Argentina and two in Australia.
Meijer told German media he wants this huge number of kids because he wants to do ‘something meaningful’ with his life.
But just a few months ago, the serial sperm donator was ordered to stop donating or he would face a whopper of a fine.
The Dutch mother of one of his children sued him in April with the argument that he could be causing an increased risk of incest.
Eva, who had a child by Meijer in 2018, said: “If I had known he had already fathered more than 100 children I would never have chosen him.
“If I think about the consequences this could have for my child I am sick to my stomach. Many mothers have told him he needs to stop, but nothing helps. So going to court is the only option I have to protect my child.”
And these mothers do speak to each other, as some of them actually bump into each other by chance because there’s literally that many of them now.
There’s even online groups for them to connect, with 157 joining Facebook group ‘Donorkind 102 JJM’.
The civil court ruled that if he carries on donating, he’ll get fined €100,000 (£85,400).

Eva was supported by organisation Sonorkind, whose lawyer Mark de Hek said: “This behaviour is dangerous for the mental wellbeing and health of donor children. By preferring his reproductive urge, the donor is acting unlawfully.”
While the man whose donor profile says he resembles actors Brad Pitt and Chris Hemsworth claims to donate his sperm for free, the Cryos sperm bank sold the father-to-many’s donations for about £1,100 each.
“I don’t ask for anything, but sometimes I receive £64, a plane ticket, or a camera as a gift,” he told the media.
But despite the order to pack it in, Meijer is still at it, though he claims he’s only donating to women who already have a child from him – which is allowed.
And while he’s flying off to see some of his different kids over the next week, he does admit he also wants to actually have some that are truly his own: “I want to start a family, dream of having five children.”
A man who has fathered up to 550 children all over the world is still donating sperm.
Jonathan Jacob Meijer was recently sued over incest fears and as well as carrying on with donations, he wants his ‘own’ family.
The 42-year-old started all this in 2007 with multiple methods, such as joining Facebook groups for those struggling to have kids.
He also registered at not one, but 11 clinics as a sperm donor as well as at the Cyros sperm bank.
But Meijer was lying to all of them as he told each clinic he’d exclusively donate there and told each prospective, hopeful, mother he ‘only’ had about 10 children.

This was quite the downplay seeing as he has children across the globe with about 375 in the Netherlands alone. He also has around 80 in Germany, 35 in Belgium, four in Argentina and two in Australia.
Meijer told German media he wants this huge number of kids because he wants to do ‘something meaningful’ with his life.
But just a few months ago, the serial sperm donator was ordered to stop donating or he would face a whopper of a fine.
The Dutch mother of one of his children sued him in April with the argument that he could be causing an increased risk of incest.
Eva, who had a child by Meijer in 2018, said: “If I had known he had already fathered more than 100 children I would never have chosen him.
“If I think about the consequences this could have for my child I am sick to my stomach. Many mothers have told him he needs to stop, but nothing helps. So going to court is the only option I have to protect my child.”
And these mothers do speak to each other, as some of them actually bump into each other by chance because there’s literally that many of them now.
There’s even online groups for them to connect, with 157 joining Facebook group ‘Donorkind 102 JJM’.
The civil court ruled that if he carries on donating, he’ll get fined €100,000 (£85,400).

Eva was supported by organisation Sonorkind, whose lawyer Mark de Hek said: “This behaviour is dangerous for the mental wellbeing and health of donor children. By preferring his reproductive urge, the donor is acting unlawfully.”
While the man whose donor profile says he resembles actors Brad Pitt and Chris Hemsworth claims to donate his sperm for free, the Cryos sperm bank sold the father-to-many’s donations for about £1,100 each.
“I don’t ask for anything, but sometimes I receive £64, a plane ticket, or a camera as a gift,” he told the media.
But despite the order to pack it in, Meijer is still at it, though he claims he’s only donating to women who already have a child from him – which is allowed.
And while he’s flying off to see some of his different kids over the next week, he does admit he also wants to actually have some that are truly his own: “I want to start a family, dream of having five children.”
A man who has fathered up to 550 children all over the world is still donating sperm.
Jonathan Jacob Meijer was recently sued over incest fears and as well as carrying on with donations, he wants his ‘own’ family.
The 42-year-old started all this in 2007 with multiple methods, such as joining Facebook groups for those struggling to have kids.
He also registered at not one, but 11 clinics as a sperm donor as well as at the Cyros sperm bank.
But Meijer was lying to all of them as he told each clinic he’d exclusively donate there and told each prospective, hopeful, mother he ‘only’ had about 10 children.

This was quite the downplay seeing as he has children across the globe with about 375 in the Netherlands alone. He also has around 80 in Germany, 35 in Belgium, four in Argentina and two in Australia.
Meijer told German media he wants this huge number of kids because he wants to do ‘something meaningful’ with his life.
But just a few months ago, the serial sperm donator was ordered to stop donating or he would face a whopper of a fine.
The Dutch mother of one of his children sued him in April with the argument that he could be causing an increased risk of incest.
Eva, who had a child by Meijer in 2018, said: “If I had known he had already fathered more than 100 children I would never have chosen him.
“If I think about the consequences this could have for my child I am sick to my stomach. Many mothers have told him he needs to stop, but nothing helps. So going to court is the only option I have to protect my child.”
And these mothers do speak to each other, as some of them actually bump into each other by chance because there’s literally that many of them now.
There’s even online groups for them to connect, with 157 joining Facebook group ‘Donorkind 102 JJM’.
The civil court ruled that if he carries on donating, he’ll get fined €100,000 (£85,400).

Eva was supported by organisation Sonorkind, whose lawyer Mark de Hek said: “This behaviour is dangerous for the mental wellbeing and health of donor children. By preferring his reproductive urge, the donor is acting unlawfully.”
While the man whose donor profile says he resembles actors Brad Pitt and Chris Hemsworth claims to donate his sperm for free, the Cryos sperm bank sold the father-to-many’s donations for about £1,100 each.
“I don’t ask for anything, but sometimes I receive £64, a plane ticket, or a camera as a gift,” he told the media.
But despite the order to pack it in, Meijer is still at it, though he claims he’s only donating to women who already have a child from him – which is allowed.
And while he’s flying off to see some of his different kids over the next week, he does admit he also wants to actually have some that are truly his own: “I want to start a family, dream of having five children.”